Digital Office Door Sign

Step 1: Setup Your Project Structure

1. Create the Project Directory: First, create a directory to hold your project files:

      mkdir ~/digital-sign
      cd ~/digital-sign

      2. Create the Subdirectories: Inside the digital-sign directory, create two subdirectories: static (for your logo and CSS) and templates (for your HTML files):

        mkdir static templates

        Step 2: Set Up the Flask Application

        1. Install Flask: Ensure you have Flask installed. If you haven’t already, you can install Flask in a virtual environment (recommended):

          python3 -m venv venv
          source venv/bin/activate
          pip install flask

          2. Create ‘‘: Inside your ‘digital-sign‘ directory, create the main Python file for your Flask application:


            from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
            app = Flask(__name__)
            # Default office status
            office_status = "In Office"
            def index():
                return render_template('index.html', status=office_status)
            @app.route('/update', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
            def update_status():
                global office_status
                if request.method == 'POST':
                    office_status = request.form.get('status')
                    return redirect(url_for('index'))
                return render_template('update.html')
            if __name__ == "__main__":
      '', port=5000, debug=True)

            This code sets up two routes:

            • /: Displays the main page with the static name, title, logo, and current office status.
            • /update: Provides a page where you can update the office status.

            Step 3: Create HTML Templates

            1. Create ‘index.html‘: Inside the ‘templates‘ directory, create the index.html file, which will display the main page with the name, title, logo, and status.

            cd templates
            nano index.html
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang="en">
                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
                <title>Office Door Sign</title>
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='styles.css') }}">
                    <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='logo.png') }}" alt="Logo" style="width: 200px; height: auto;">
                    <h1>Your Static Name</h1>
                    <h2>Your Title</h2>
                    <h3>Office Status: {{ status }}</h3>
                    <a href="{{ url_for('update_status') }}">Update Office Status</a>

            2. Create ‘update.html': Inside the ‘templates‘ directory, create the ‘update.html‘ file, which will provide a form to update the office status.

            nano update.html
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang="en">
                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
                <title>Update Office Status</title>
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='styles.css') }}">
                <div style="text-align: center;">
                    <h2>Update Office Status</h2>
                    <form action="/update" method="POST">
                        <label for="status">Change Status:</label>
                        <select name="status" id="status">
                            <option value="In Office">In Office</option>
                            <option value="Out of Office">Out of Office</option>
                            <option value="On a Call">On a Call</option>
                            <option value="In a Meeting">In a Meeting</option>
                        <input type="submit" value="Update Status">
                    <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">Back to Home</a>

            Step 4: Add Static Files

            1. Add Your Logo: Place your logo image in the ‘static‘ directory. Make sure to name it ‘logo.png‘ or adjust the HTML accordingly if you name it something else.

            2. Create ‘styles.css‘: Inside the static directory, create the ‘styles.css‘ file to style your HTML elements, such as the name, title, and office status.

            cd ..
            cd static
            nano styles.css
            body {
                font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
                text-align: center;
            h1 {
                font-size: 48px;
            h2 {
                font-size: 36px;
            h3 {
                font-size: 32px;
            a {
                font-size: 20px;
                text-decoration: none;
                color: blue;
            a:hover {
                text-decoration: underline;

            Step 5: Test the Application

            1. Run the Flask Application: Make sure you’re in the digital-sign directory, and then run your Flask application:


            2. Access the Web Interface:

            • Open your web browser and go to ‘http://localhost:5000‘ (or use the IP address of your device if you’re accessing it remotely).
            • You should see your main page displaying the static name, title, logo, and current office status.
            • Click the “Update Office Status” link to go to the update page, change the status, and submit the form.
            • After submitting, you should be redirected back to the main page with the updated office status.

            Step 6: (Optional) Auto-Start the Flask App on Boot

            If you want your Flask app to start automatically when your device boots, you can set up a systemd service.

            1. Create a systemd Service File: Create a new service file named ‘digital-sign.service‘ in the ‘/etc/systemd/system/‘ directory:

              sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/digital-sign.service

              2. Add the Following Content:

              Description=Flask Office Door Sign
              ExecStart=/home/your-username/digital-sign/venv/bin/python3 /home/your-username/digital-sign/

              Replace ‘your-username‘ with your actual username.

              3. Enable and Start the Service:

              sudo systemctl enable digital-sign
              sudo systemctl start digital-sign

              Now, your Flask app will start automatically whenever your device boots up.

              Final Project Structure

              Your project should have the following structure:

              ├── static/
                 ├── logo.png
                 └── styles.css
              └── templates/
                  ├── index.html
                  └── update.html

              This setup should give you a fully functional digital office door sign with a static name, title, and logo, and the ability to update the office status via a separate webpage.

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